Monday 4 April 2011

Pre Weekend News :)

Ok, I have a lot to write about, mainly about my weekend, but we’ll start with Wednesday night where I left you off.

Wednesday night we were going to go to Reggae night at Labody beach, but we were all very comfy here and kind of lazy so we just stayed at the hostel. It was good that we did because we got to meet more new comers to the hostel, Toby and Eric from Sweden. We got aquainted with them and played more Uno and went to bed.

Thursday I didn’t do a whole lot of anything. I went to the preschool in the morning and helped out as usual, then in the afternoon I went to the bank and bought STC bus tickets to cape coast for the weekend, then came back and hung out at the hostel all evening with everyone here playing 20 questions and talking.

Before I get started on the weekend trip, I will go over Friday morning at the preschool for you.

Friday morning I went very early to the preschool and brought them toffee’s for their game time. First though, they were having their worship time, singing songs and this particular morning they were learning about the story of Joseph (I really wish I brought the musical for them to watch). This was a very fun morning of games after that, they even got me dancing in one of their games haha! The big news I have however I was told about on Friday . . . so I will fill you all in!

The money that I and my church has fundraised towards the school was supposed to go towards building a classroom for the four year olds. The bank draft of all this money that I gave Faustina is still in the bank because in Ghana they hold these cheques for 6 weeks (so in 4 weeks when I leave Faustina will have access to the money). Right now Faustina is renting the lot that the preschool is on from a landlord, now this landlord is not gung ho on a new classroom being built on his lot, and he has a lot of restrictions on what the kids are allowed to do as to not damage the property. Uncle (minister at the church that owns the preschool, and owner of the hostel I stay at) has bought a new bigger piece of vacant land about 3 blocks from where the preschool already is, and he is giving that to Faustina as a gift from the church here. Faustina has asked if it would be ok if when she gets the money that we fundraised if she uses it for the construction of a completely new school on this new land! I said that was a great idea, this way she will own the land, not have to pay rent, and have more freedom with the kids. It also means that the childrens monthly tuition will go down from 9 cedi a month to 5 cedi a month because she won’t have to cover rent, great for the kids and their families! So with all that being said, my presentation when I get back will be very short, because things won’t start happening until I leave. But that also means that I will have to come back for about 2 weeks to see the new school and paint the churches name and my name on the wall. Uncle and Faustina have promised me that they will keep me updated on the progress of everything while I am in Canada, and they will let me know when it is finished (which Uncle predicts will be late September or early October) so that I can come see it! I honestly think that this will be better for the school, and am happy that I have made it possible for them to build a new school and get away from the situation they are in now! This of coarse may mean more fundraising when I get back!

There’s my pre weekend summation for you all I will leave this post at that and put my weekend adventure in my next post (which I am writing now so it should be up within the half hour of this one!)

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